Elizabeth Kikkert MLA

Member for Ginninderra

I was elected to the ACT Legislative Assembly in 2016. I represent the Ginninderra Electorate, which encompasses Belconnen and West Belconnen.

As a migrant from Tonga, I am the first and only Pacific Islander Australian to be elected to any Australian parliament.

I have served as the Shadow Minister for Families, Youth and Community Services and the Shadow Minister for Multicultural Affairs since my election. In these roles, I have been a strong advocate for issues such as youth mental health, youth homelessness and evidence-based approaches to child protection. I have also championed families, multicultural community groups and community services providers – all of which which make our community stronger.

I am deputy chair of the Assembly’s Education, Employment and Youth Affairs Committee. This committee examines matters related to early childhood education and care; primary, secondary and post-secondary education; industrial relations and work safety; and youth services.

In addition, I have successfully fought for numerous improvements in my electorate of Ginninderra, including the installation of traffic lights at the intersection of Tillyard and Ginninderra Drives in Charnwood, dependable bus services, recycling bins at Charnwood Shops, playground upgrades, maintaining community access to the South West Evatt Oval, and several road safety measures.

Prior to serving in the ACT Legislative Assembly, my husband Sean and I ran a small legal practice together. We reside in West Belconnen with our five children